
6/3(月)2024年度第1CEHS公開セミナーのお知らせ/CEHS Seminar 2024-1


日 時:6月3日(月)13:00~14:30
場 所:中央キャンパス総合研究棟2階リフレッシュルーム

演 題1:Small Community Water Supply Interventions in South Pacific Island Countries: Getting it wrong while trying to do right

講師:Prof. Paul Jagals 
University of Queensland, Australia

演 題2:Using novel epidemiological methods to support a Precision One Health approach for prevention, control and elimination of infectious diseases

講師:Prof. Colleen Lau
University of Queensland, Australia

jimu3@cehs.hokudai.ac.jp までご連絡いただけますと幸いです。

電話:011-706-4748 (内線4748)

We have the 1st CEHS seminar of 2024 in the following schedule.


  • The date
    Monday, 3, June  13:00-14:30
  • Place
    2F Refresh room, Center for Environmental
    and Health Sciences, Hokkaido University
  • Subject 1
    “Small Community Water Supply Interventions in South Pacific Island Countries: Getting it wrong while trying to do right”
  • Speaker
    Prof. Paul Jagals 
    University of Queensland, Australia
  • Subject 2
    “Using novel epidemiological methods to support a Precision One Health approach for prevention, control and elimination of infectious diseases”
  • Speaker
    Prof. Colleen Lau
    University of Queensland, Australia

► no charge for admission

► Pre-orders unnecessary for Zoom participant

► If you wish to attend in person, please contact us below.


[Inquiry about this matter]
Centre for Environmental and Health Sciences
telephone: 011-706-4748   PIC: Yamamoto, Tojo, Abe
E-mail: jimu3*cehs.hokudai.ac.jp (Please change ‘*’ to ‘@’.)