
WHO Asia-Pacific Center for Environmental HealthWebinar参加しました

 2023年7月14日(金)に当センターの国際連携部門長である池田敦子先生(保健科学研究院)が、The Korea Institute of Chemical SafetyとWHO Asia-Pacific Center for Environmental Healthが共同開催した ‘International Conference on Public Health Management of Chemical Accidents’ Webinarにパネリストとして参加しました。


Moderator: Kyungho Choi Seoul National University
・Introduction on the purpose of the webinar (HoO of ACE)
・Welcome remarks (Head of KNICS)
・Introduction of speakers
Part 1: Cases on public health management of chemical incidents in WPRO
・Korea National Institute of Chemical Safety
・Vietnam Poison Control Center of Bach mai Hospital
・Philippines National Poison Management and Control Center
Part 2: Information sharing session from selected key participants
・Dr. Yong Sung Cho, Seokyeong University in the RoK
・Dr. Irma Reyes Makalinao, University of the Philippines Manila College of Medicine
・Dr. Atsuko Ikeda, Hokkaido University
・Dr. William Bill Boroughf, New Zealand National Poisons Centre
Summary and closing