Jan. 28, 2014

+Seminar+ Introduction of WHO WPRO and the activity.


  The Center for Environmental and Health Sciences is preparing for the designation as a WHO collaborating center.
  As one of the phases, we will organize a lecture inviting Dr. Machida Munehito from WHO West Pacific Regional Office.

  Dr. Machida is dispatched from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare to WHO WPRO located in Manila, Philippines in last June.
  He works to manage the budget from Japan to WPRO, and also works as a liaison officer between Japan and WPRO.

 Anyone is welcome.

 Jan 30, 2014. (Thu) 15:00-15:45

 Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine,
 Administration build. 2F, Conference Hall.

 Munehito Machida MD, MPH, PhD
  Medical Officer, Technology Transfer,
  External Relations and Communications, WHO WPRO.

 Introduction of World Health Organization Western Pacific Regional
 Office (WHO-WPRO) and the activity.

 Araki, Takahashi TEL 011-706-4746

***Sorry, this lecture is available in Japanese only***