Aug. 31, 2022

9/5(月)国際交流セミナーを開催します International scientific seminar

We’ll organize the International scientific seminar with the Ministry of Health Malaysia researcher as below.

◆Thema: International Scientific Seminar CEHS-Malaysia

◆Date & Time:
 September 5th, 2022, Monday 13:00~14:50

◆Venue: Mid-Campus Open Laboratory Build No.2, Room#3
     中央キャンパス総合研究棟1号館2階 共用3

◆Language: English

・Dr. Rafiza Shaharudin (Institute for Medical Research (IMR), National Institutes of Health, Ministry of Health Malaysia)
・岸玲子(北海道大学環境健康科学研究教育センター 特別招へい教授 兼 WHO環境化学物質による健康障害の予防に関する研究協力センター Director)
 Reiko Kishi (Professor, Center for Environmental Health and Sciences, Hokkaido University and Director of WHO Collaborating Centre for Environmental Health and Prevention of Chemical Hazards)
・宮下ちひろ(北海道大学環境健康科学研究教育センター 特任教授)
 Chihiro Miyashita (Professor, Center for Environmental Health and Sciences, Hokkaido University )

*The title of Each presentation is TBD

◆Please email us if you are interested in attending.

◆inquiry about this matter
Centre for Environmental and Health Sciences
E-mail: jimu3* (Please change ‘*’ to ‘@’.)